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361 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Latvia: Coastal municipal governance in the Salacgriva rural coastal municipality (Eastern coast of Riga Gulf) 2015-2018 01/15/18
362 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Lithuania: Establishing new bathing sites at the Curonian Lagoon coast 2015-2018 01/15/18
363 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Poland: Shipping & economic development, Vistula Lagoon 2015-2018 02/05/18
364 BIOHAB Biological control of harmful algal blooms in European coastal waters: Role of eutrophication 2000-2000 07/21/05
365 BIOCOMBE The impact of BIOdiversity changes in COastal Marine Benthic Ecosystems 2002-2006 05/26/08
366 BEST B7 Best Exchange on Sustainable Tourism 1997-2000 08/18/06
367 BERNET CATCH Integrated Management of Catchments 2003-2005 07/21/05
368 BERNET Baltic Eutrophication Regional NETwork 1999-2001 07/21/05
369 BEIDS Baltic Environmental Information Dissemination System 05/16/08
370 BEEP Biological Effects of Environmental Pollution in marine coastal ecosytems 2001-2004 10/04/06
371 BEACHMED Environmental reconstruction and maintenance of beaches under erosion by using sand marine carriers 2002-2004 09/20/06
372 BASYS Baltic Sea System Study 1996-1999 03/03/06
373 BALTSEAPLAN Introducing Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea 2008-2012 07/21/09
374 BaltRap The Baltic Sea and its Southern Lowlands: Proxy-Environment interactions in times of rapid changes 2017-2020 02/13/17
375 BALTRAD BALTRAD 2008-2012 08/02/11
376 BalticWay BalticWay: The potential of currents for environmental management of the Baltic Sea maritime industry 2009-2011 06/22/11
377 Baltic Landscape Baltic Landscape in change - innovative approaches towards sustainable forested landscapes 2011-2014 02/09/12
378 Baltic Green Belt Baltic Green Belt 2009-2012 10/01/09
379 Baltic Climate Baltic Climate 2008-2012 07/27/11
380 baltfood The Baltic Sea Region Food Cluster 08/01/11
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