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Nr.Sorted ascending Acronym Sorted ascending Title  Duration  Last Update 
381 TRUMP Temporal variability in the chemical composition of bottom sediments in the Pomeranian Bay (southern Baltic) 1996-1997 11/13/06
382 TRUMP The impact of the River Odra on the phytoplankton composition and biomass in the Pomeranian Bay 1993-1997 11/14/06
383 TRUMP Transport and Turnover in the Pomeranian Bay 1994-1996 02/09/06
384 TRUMP Transport of the Odra river waters and circulation patterns in the Pomeranian Bay 1993-1997 11/13/06
385 UDEMM Umweltmonitoring für die Delaboration von Munition im Meer 2016-2019 04/12/17
386 UNDINE Underwater Discovery and Nature Experience 2012-2015 02/10/17
387 UNDINE II Underwater Discovery and Nature Experience II 2017-2019 10/20/17
388 VECTORS Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors 2011-2015 04/28/11
389 WaterCAP WaterCAP 2011-2013 11/20/12
390 WEBSR Wind engery in the BSR - Planning, Construction and Investment 2003-2005 09/13/05
391 WISER WISER - Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery 2009-2012 06/22/11
392 WSF Wadden Sea Forum 2002-2005 09/21/05
393 WUD Waterfront Urban Development - A Network of Cities in the Baltic Sea Region 1998-2001 09/22/05
394 YthanView YthanView 2004- 08/18/06
395 “Managing Adaptive Responses to changing flood risk in the North Sea Region" MARE PROJEKT 2009-2011 05/16/11
396 Nutrient status in the Szczecin Lagoon - past, present, as well as future prospects 1990-1998 11/14/06
397 IKZM-Study 2003-2004 02/15/17
398 Enhancing Capacity of Youth for Improved Coastal Zone Management in Ghana and Germany 2013-2013 02/15/17
399 Dolphin Fund Deutschland 2008- 02/16/17
400 Biological invasions between cultural traditions and threats to biodiversity, to be indicated by Rosa rugosa 2008-2011 05/14/08
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