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Nr. Acronym Sorted ascending Title Sorted ascending Duration  Last Update 
121 Wadden Sea Region Planning Portal 2010-2013 02/15/17
122 KliWaKom Communication of climate change in coastal communities 2015-2018 02/14/17
123 The Parliament of the Fish 2016-2018 02/14/17
124 CATCH Coastal Angling Tourism – a development chance for the South Baltic Region 2016-2019 02/14/17
125 DachKüNO II Koordination, Integration und Vermittlung von Küstenforschung in der Nordsee und Ostsee 2017-2019 02/14/17
126 I-ADApT Assessment based on Description and responses, and Appraisal for a Typology 02/13/17
127 DAAD-N2O: Biogeochemistry of nitrous oxide production in hypoxic marine ecosystems 2016-2016 02/13/17
128 RADO RADO - Ran an die Ostsee: Workshop-Serie zur Erschließung von Open Data / Open Science für Wissenschaftsjournalisten 2017-2017 02/13/17
129 IKZM-Study 2003-2004 02/15/17
130 PADO Prozesse und Auswirkungen von Dünendurchbrüchen an der deutschen Ostseeküste 2016-2019 02/10/17
131 HYDRALAB+ 2015-2019 02/10/17
132 UNDINE Underwater Discovery and Nature Experience 2012-2015 02/10/17
133 MeerSehen 2014-2015 01/17/17
134 Ostseekiste 2014-2016 12/22/16
135 Spiel mal Meer! 2016-2017 12/06/16
136 BaltCoast A Systems Approach Framework for Coastal Research and Management in the Baltic 2015-2018 04/10/15
137 Verbundvorhaben - Schatz an der Küste - Nachhaltige Entwicklung zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt in der Region Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft und Rostocker Heide 2014-2020 12/03/14
138 SECOS The Service of Sediments in German Coastal Seas 2013-2016 09/01/14
139 THESEUS Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate 2009-2013 09/10/13
140 Wadden Sea Region Planning Portal 2010-2013 03/18/13
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