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Nr.Sorted ascending Acronym Sorted ascending Title  Duration  Last Update 
321 PUDEM Morphodynamics of urban beaches: an integrated theoretical and experimental study 2004-2007 09/12/06
322 RADO RADO - Ran an die Ostsee: Workshop-Serie zur Erschließung von Open Data / Open Science für Wissenschaftsjournalisten 2017-2017 02/13/17
323 RADOST Regionale Anpassungsstragtegie für die deutsche Ostseeküste 2009-2014 04/28/11
324 RCZAS English Heritage Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Surveys 2000-2010 09/22/05
325 RECOCA Reduction of Baltic Sea Nutrient Inputs and Cost Allocation within the Baltic Sea Catchment 2009-2011 08/04/09
326 RELEEZE RELease from coastal squEEZE 2017-2018 07/04/17
327 RETRO Retrospective analysis of large-scale planning procedures in the coastal zone in terms of ICZM suitability 2003-2004 09/20/05
328 RIBAMOD River basin modelling, management and flood mitigation 02/23/06
329 Riffe in der Ostsee Nachnutzung Riff Nienhagen 2009-2012 06/24/11
330 ROBUST The role of buffering capacities in stabilising coastal lagoon ecosystems 1996-1999 02/21/06
331 SABATIER FRANÇOIS Long-term coastal changes modelling for a sustainable development of the Rhône delta 2003-2005 05/19/08
332 SafeCoast SafeCoast: Future Flood Risk Management 2005-2008 06/07/06
333 SCWP Sefton Coast Woodlands Plan 2003-2022 12/20/06
334 SEAGIS GIS and Coastal Zone Management and Planning 1998-2000 08/18/06
335 SEAPLANSPACE Marine spatial planning instruments for sustainable marine governance 2018-2021 02/25/21
336 SEAREG Sea Level Rise Affecting the Spatial Development of the Baltic Sea Region 2002-2005 07/20/05
337 SECOS The Service of Sediments in German Coastal Seas 2013-2016 09/01/14
338 SEMCA Sedimentation, Erosion and Morphodynamics in Coastal Areas 1999-2003 08/18/06
339 ShMILE Sustainable hotels in Mediterranean Islands and area - A demonstration project in Corsica, Sardinia and Halkidiki for EU-wide promotion of the EU eco-label on tourist accommodation service 2004-2006 05/16/08
340 SIGNAL Significance of external / anthropogenic Nitrogen for central Baltic Sea N-CYCLING 2000-2003 02/17/06
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