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Nr. Acronym  Title  Duration Sorted ascending Last Update Sorted ascending
261 CoPraNet Sustainable Beach Management 02/01/07
262 CoPraNet Implementation of Natura 2000 in the case of ICZM in Stepnica Local Community 02/01/07
263 MarBEF Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning 2004-2009 02/01/07
264 CoPraNet Rehabilitation of the Leirosa Sand Dunes 1999-2007 02/02/07
265 CoPraNet CCV - Canarias, por una Costa Viva 2002-2004 03/06/07
266 CoPraNet Network of Natura 2000 in Sweden with special attention to the Baltic Coast. Conception and particular examples 2005-2005 03/07/07
267 CoPraNet Waste and litter management on natural coastal zones: a French initiative to tackle with the issue 03/14/07
268 CoPraNet PolĂ­ticas de Sustentabilidade no Desenvolvimento do Turismo no Litoral Alentejano (Portugal) 03/14/07
269 CoPraNet Public Participation in the Portuguese Coastal Zone 03/15/07
270 CoPraNet Climate Change and the Role of Local Authorities and NGOs in Planning Sustainable Coastal Tourist Development in the Mediterranean Region 03/15/07
271 CoPraNet Coastal Geomorphology and coastal change in Dundrum Bay: management implications 04/03/07
272 CoPraNet Proposed Measures for Enhancement of Amenity Beaches 04/03/07
273 COASTBASE The European Virtual Coastal and Marine Data Warehouse 2000-2001 05/04/07
274 EVAGULF Protection of aquatic communities in the Gulf of Finland: risk-based policymaking 2006-2007 05/29/07
275 OILECO Integrating ecological values in the decision making process on oil 2005-2007 06/29/07
276 Aquamoney Development and Testing of Practical Guidelines for the Assessment of Environmental and Resource Costs and Benefits in the WFD 2006-2009 08/06/07
277 SPICOSA The Oder Estuary 2007-2011 08/16/07
278 OderRegio OderRegio 1999-2006 11/06/07
279 GOAP Greifswalder Bodden and Oder estuary - exchange processes 1993-1997 11/09/07
280 ENCORA European Platform for Coastal Research 2006-2009 01/23/08
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