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Nr.Sorted ascending Acronym Sorted ascending Title  Duration  Last Update 
401 Reduction of environmental effects caused by mariculture 2003-2005 08/17/06
402 Joint Polish-German Pomeranian Bay Project 1996-1997 02/09/06
403 Integrated Cooperation on Sustainable Tourism Development and Recreational Use in the Wadden Sea Area 1996-2000 08/18/06
404 Sensitivity Mapping of the German Baltic Coast 2001-2003 09/12/05
405 Restoration of habitats of endangered species in Silma Nature Reserve 2002-2006 08/18/06
406 Coastal woodlands - ICZM in Woodlands by the Baltic Sea 2002-2006 01/04/07
407 MicroCatch_Balt 2017-2020 11/27/17
408 GIS-Küste M-V - GIS-Coast Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany 2000-2002 09/19/05
409 Kampagne K 2008-2009 03/05/09
410 Meer im Fokus - Ein Bildungsprojekt rund um Meer & Küste 2010-2012 05/10/11
411 Wer, Wie, Watt? 2006-2007 02/15/17
412 The impact of Oder river waters on the ecosystem of Pomeranian Bay 1996-1998 02/09/06
413 NeWater-New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty 2005-2009 07/21/09
414 Carrying Capacity of Surf Schools in North Cornwall 2005-2006 08/17/06
415 BALTIC GAS 10/06/10
416 South Baltic WebLab 10/06/10
417 Possibilities for the Integration of Land Use, Nature and Coastal Protection in Baltic Sea Areas Prone to Flooding 1997-2002 07/20/05
418 Zukunft Küste – Coastal Futures 2004-2010 03/02/10
419 ICZM: Strategies for Spatial Planning in Coastal and Marine Zones 2003-2004 09/22/05
420 GoCoase 2018-2021 02/25/21
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