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Nr. Acronym  Title  Duration Sorted descending Last Update Sorted descending
141 NeWater-New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty 2005-2009 07/21/09
142 SPICOSA Gulf of Gdansk 2007-2011 06/23/09
143 DeMU DeMarine-Umwelt 2008-2011 05/12/09
144 ASTRA Developing Policies & Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region 2005-2007 03/26/09
145 Kampagne K 2008-2009 03/05/09
146 GENESIS GENeric European Sustainable Information Space for Environment 2008-2011 09/17/08
147 Mustok Modellgestützte Untersuchungen zu extremen Sturmflutereignissen an der deutschen Ostseeküste 2005-2008 06/19/08
148 BIOCOMBE The impact of BIOdiversity changes in COastal Marine Benthic Ecosystems 2002-2006 05/26/08
149 Livonian Green Coastal Region - 21 2001-2003 05/22/08
150 South Baltic Arc Spatial strategies for Integration and Sustainable Development Acceleration of the South Baltic Arc Zone 2002-2005 05/22/08
151 IMCORE Innovatitve Management for Europe's Changing Coastal Resource 2008-2011 05/22/08
152 HIMOM A system of hierarchical monitoring methods for assessing changes in the biological and physical state of intertidal areas 2002-2005 05/22/08
153 Biodegradable Materials for Sustainable agriculture and tourism 2004-2007 05/20/08
154 ODER98 Hydrodynamics and transports in tideless coastal waters 1998-1998 05/20/08
155 MERMAID Marine Environmental Remote-controlled Measuring and Integrated Detection 1990-1996 05/20/08
156 MOLTEN Monitoring long-term trends in eutrophication and nutrients in the coastal zone: Creation of guidelines for the evaluation of background conditions, anthropogenic influence and recovery 2001-2003 05/20/08
157 EUROTROPH Nutrients Cycling and the Trophic Status of Coastal Ecosystems 2001-2004 05/20/08
158 SABATIER FRANÇOIS Long-term coastal changes modelling for a sustainable development of the Rhône delta 2003-2005 05/19/08
159 Corepoint Coastal Research Policy Integration 2004-2008 05/19/08
160 EMAS for tourism in internal and coastal area: integrated management 2004-2007 05/19/08
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