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Nr.Sorted descending Acronym Sorted descending Title  Duration  Last Update 
341 COASTMON MetOcean and Coastal Zone Monitoring in Harbour Regions Using Satellite Radar 1994-1998 02/28/06
342 COASTMAN Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic Sea Region 2004-2007 02/28/06
343 COASTLOOC Developement of algorithms for the use of Ocean Colour data in Coastal Waters to detect optically active material and assess biological processes 1996-1999 05/16/08
344 COASTBASE The European Virtual Coastal and Marine Data Warehouse 2000-2001 05/04/07
345 COASTATLANTIC Integrated Coastal Zone Management: towards an Atlantic Vision 2003-2006 09/21/06
346 CoastAdapt CoastAdapt - The Sea as Our Neighbour: Sustainable Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Communities and Habitats on Europe's Northern Periphery 2009-2011 06/22/11
347 COAST 3D Coastal Study Of Three - Dimensional Sand Transport Processes and Morphodynamics 1997-2001 08/17/06
348 COAST Collaborative Actions for Sustainable Tourism (COAST) Project 2008-2013 08/01/11
349 CleanShip Clean baltic sea shipping 2010-2013 08/02/11
350 CLAD CLAD - Coastal Climate Adaptation and Development Tool 2009-2012 06/22/11
351 CHERISH Creating opportunities for regional growth through promoting Cultural HERitage of fISHing communities in Europe 2018-2023 12/07/20
352 CHARM Characterisation of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem: Dynamics and Function of coastal types 2002-2004 02/21/06
353 CCV Canarias, por una Costa Viva (Canaries, for a lively coast) 2002-2004 07/07/06
354 CATCH Coastal Angling Tourism – a development chance for the South Baltic Region 2016-2019 02/14/17
355 BSRP Baltic Sea Regional Project 2003-2008 09/12/05
356 BONUS-AMBER Assessment and Modelling of Baltic Ecosystem Response 2009-2011 03/02/10
357 BONUS OPTIMUS Optimization of mussel mitigation cultures for fish feed in the Baltic Sea 2017-2020 05/12/17
358 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Germany: Eco-technologies & eutrophication in the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon 2015-2018 01/15/18
359 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Denmark: Fish distribution & productivity in Inner Danish waters 2015-2018 01/15/18
360 BONUS BALTCOAST BONUS BALTCOAST Case Study Estonia: Coastal protection management, Pärnu Bay, Estonia 2015-2018 01/15/18
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