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Nr. Acronym  Title Sorted descending Duration Sorted descending Last Update 
1 MaRo Research on conflict resolution and development of management measures to protect gray seals in the German Baltic Sea 2020-2023 02/03/21
2 HaFF Halophytes and other macrophytes for the filtration of nutrient-contaminated waste and surface water in field culture 2020-2022 12/07/20
3 GoCoase 2018-2021 02/25/21
4 Alles im Fluss?! 2018-2020 02/25/21
5 BONUS OPTIMUS Optimization of mussel mitigation cultures for fish feed in the Baltic Sea 2017-2020 05/12/17
6 BaltRap The Baltic Sea and its Southern Lowlands: Proxy-Environment interactions in times of rapid changes 2017-2020 02/13/17
7 MicroCatch_Balt 2017-2020 11/27/17
8 MORPHEUS Model Areas for Removal of Pharmaceutical Substances in the South Baltic 2017-2019 02/25/21
9 Plastik-Diät 2017-2019 02/25/21
10 DachKüNO II Koordination, Integration und Vermittlung von Küstenforschung in der Nordsee und Ostsee 2017-2019 02/14/17
11 UNDINE II Underwater Discovery and Nature Experience II 2017-2019 10/20/17
12 RELEEZE RELease from coastal squEEZE 2017-2018 07/04/17
13 RADO RADO - Ran an die Ostsee: Workshop-Serie zur Erschließung von Open Data / Open Science für Wissenschaftsjournalisten 2017-2017 02/13/17
14 L4L Lagoons for Life 2017- 02/21/18
15 LCUE Let's Clean Up Europe 2017- 03/13/18
16 MERCES Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas 2016-2020 06/19/17
17 CATCH Coastal Angling Tourism – a development chance for the South Baltic Region 2016-2019 02/14/17
18 UDEMM Umweltmonitoring für die Delaboration von Munition im Meer 2016-2019 04/12/17
19 PADO Prozesse und Auswirkungen von Dünendurchbrüchen an der deutschen Ostseeküste 2016-2019 02/10/17
20 Baltic Blue Growth 2016-2019 02/15/17
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