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ICZM Projects and Case Studies

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Nr.Sorted ascending Acronym Sorted ascending Title  Duration  Last Update 
171 PlanCoast PlanCoast 2006-2008 17/10/06
172 PRESTEPSE Integrated assessment of the impact of the Prestige's oil spill in Galicia and in the Gulf of Biscay: toxicological, ecological, productive and socio-economical aspects 2003-2008 20/09/06
173 PROCOAST Harminzation of uses and interests in the Baltic Sea coastal zones 1999-2001 20/09/05
174 PROTECT Prediction of The Erosion of Cliffed Terrains 2001-2004 17/08/06
175 PUDEM Morphodynamics of urban beaches: an integrated theoretical and experimental study 2004-2007 12/09/06
176 RADO RADO - Ran an die Ostsee: Workshop-Serie zur Erschließung von Open Data / Open Science für Wissenschaftsjournalisten 2017-2017 13/02/17
177 RADOST Regionale Anpassungsstragtegie für die deutsche Ostseeküste 2009-2014 28/04/11
178 RCZAS English Heritage Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Surveys 2000-2010 22/09/05
179 RECOCA Reduction of Baltic Sea Nutrient Inputs and Cost Allocation within the Baltic Sea Catchment 2009-2011 04/08/09
180 RELEEZE RELease from coastal squEEZE 2017-2018 04/07/17
181 RETRO Retrospective analysis of large-scale planning procedures in the coastal zone in terms of ICZM suitability 2003-2004 20/09/05
182 RIBAMOD River basin modelling, management and flood mitigation 23/02/06
183 Riffe in der Ostsee Nachnutzung Riff Nienhagen 2009-2012 24/06/11
184 ROBUST The role of buffering capacities in stabilising coastal lagoon ecosystems 1996-1999 21/02/06
185 SABATIER FRANÇOIS Long-term coastal changes modelling for a sustainable development of the Rhône delta 2003-2005 19/05/08
186 SafeCoast SafeCoast: Future Flood Risk Management 2005-2008 07/06/06
187 SEAGIS GIS and Coastal Zone Management and Planning 1998-2000 18/08/06
188 SEAREG Sea Level Rise Affecting the Spatial Development of the Baltic Sea Region 2002-2005 20/07/05
189 SECOS The Service of Sediments in German Coastal Seas 2013-2016 01/09/14
190 SEMCA Sedimentation, Erosion and Morphodynamics in Coastal Areas 1999-2003 18/08/06
191 ShMILE Sustainable hotels in Mediterranean Islands and area - A demonstration project in Corsica, Sardinia and Halkidiki for EU-wide promotion of the EU eco-label on tourist accommodation service 2004-2006 16/05/08
192 SIGNAL Significance of external / anthropogenic Nitrogen for central Baltic Sea N-CYCLING 2000-2003 17/02/06
193 SISCAL Satellite-based information System on Coastal areas and lakes 2001-2004 22/02/06
194 SKINT North Sea Skills Integration and New Technologies 2008-2012 23/07/10
195 SMOCS sustainable management of contaminated sediments 2009-2012 01/08/11
196 South Baltic Arc Spatial strategies for Integration and Sustainable Development Acceleration of the South Baltic Arc Zone 2002-2005 22/05/08
197 SPICOSA Science and Policy Integration For Coastal System Assessment 2007-2011 01/02/08
198 SSP Speichern statt pumpen 2009-2010 20/11/12
199 STRING Southwestern Baltic Sea Transregional Area – Inventing new Geography -2002 20/07/05
200 STRING II Southwestern Baltic Sea TransRegional Area - Implementing New Geography 2002-2004 12/10/05
201 SUBMARINER Sustainable Uses of Baltc Marine Resources 2010-2013 04/03/11
202 SUCOZOMA Sustainable Coastal Zone Management Programme 1997-2004 14/02/06
203 SUNFISH SUNFISH - Sustainable fisheries, climate change and the North Sea ecosystem 2008-2012 23/06/11
204 SuPortNet Sustainable Spatial Development within a Network of Ports for Boat Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region 1999-2001 20/07/05
205 SuPortNet II Sustainable Networks of Ports 2002-2005 19/07/05
206 SUSTAIN SUSTAIN: developing a universal tool to help deliver sustainability on Europe’s coasts 2010-2012 11/02/11
207 SYMPIC Environmental Integration of Ports and Cities 2004-2007 27/09/06
208 THESEUS Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate 2009-2013 10/09/13
209 TIDE Tidal River Development 2010-2013 04/03/11
210 TRUMP The sedimentary record of environmental changes in the Oder estuary 14/11/06
211 TRUMP The impact of the River Odra on the phytoplankton composition and biomass in the Pomeranian Bay 1993-1997 14/11/06
212 TRUMP Structure and function of the Pomeranian Bight - nutrient transport, retention and budgets 14/11/06
213 TRUMP Near-bottom fluxes and composition of suspended matter in the Pomeranian Bay 1997-1997 13/11/06
214 TRUMP Comparisons of structure, function, regulation, and nutrient fate in the northern German Lagoons under special references to the eutrophication process 14/11/06
215 TRUMP Transport of the Odra river waters and circulation patterns in the Pomeranian Bay 1993-1997 13/11/06
216 TRUMP Dynamic of river plumes in the Pomeranian Bight 1993-1996 13/11/06
217 TRUMP Transport and Turnover in the Pomeranian Bay 1994-1996 09/02/06
218 TRUMP Temporal variability in the chemical composition of bottom sediments in the Pomeranian Bay (southern Baltic) 1996-1997 13/11/06
219 UDEMM Umweltmonitoring für die Delaboration von Munition im Meer 2016-2019 12/04/17
220 UNDINE Underwater Discovery and Nature Experience 2012-2015 10/02/17
221 UNDINE II Underwater Discovery and Nature Experience II 2017-2019 20/10/17
222 VECTORS Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors 2011-2015 28/04/11
223 WaterCAP WaterCAP 2011-2013 20/11/12
224 WEBSR Wind engery in the BSR - Planning, Construction and Investment 2003-2005 13/09/05
225 WISER WISER - Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery 2009-2012 22/06/11
226 WSF Wadden Sea Forum 2002-2005 21/09/05
227 WUD Waterfront Urban Development - A Network of Cities in the Baltic Sea Region 1998-2001 22/09/05
228 “Managing Adaptive Responses to changing flood risk in the North Sea Region" MARE PROJEKT 2009-2011 16/05/11
229 Awareness Building of the Effects of Climate Change for Coastal Residents and Tourists 2006-2006 15/02/17
230 Wer, Wie, Watt? 2006-2007 15/02/17
231 ICZM: Strategies for Spatial Planning in Coastal and Marine Zones 2003-2004 22/09/05
232 Coastal Schools - Internet-based information on coasts, seas and more 2007-2009 15/02/17
233 Fisheries and Tourism on the German Baltic Coast 2009-2010 15/02/17
234 Wadden Sea Region Planning Portal 2010-2013 15/02/17
235 Livonian Green Coastal Region - 21 2001-2003 22/05/08
236 The Parliament of the Fish 2016-2018 14/02/17
237 Baltic Blue Growth 2016-2019 15/02/17
238 Reduction of environmental effects caused by mariculture 2003-2005 17/08/06
239 IKZM-Study 2003-2004 15/02/17
240 Enhancing Capacity of Youth for Improved Coastal Zone Management in Ghana and Germany 2013-2013 15/02/17
241 Dolphin Fund Deutschland 2008- 16/02/17
242 Coastal conservation and local agenda 21, a pilot project for Russia 1997-1999 22/07/05
243 Sustainable development of Europe's coastal areas and the creation of a regional cycle that incorporates environmental protection 2001-2003 22/07/05
244 Management Plan for coastal habitats of the Province of Cádiz (Spain) 2005- 20/09/06
245 SILMAR 2009- 10/06/10
246 MicroCatch_Balt 2017-2020 27/11/17
247 Nutrient status in the Szczecin Lagoon - past, present, as well as future prospects 1990-1998 14/11/06
248 Possibilities for the Integration of Land Use, Nature and Coastal Protection in Baltic Sea Areas Prone to Flooding 1997-2002 20/07/05
249 GoCoase 2018-2021 25/02/21
250 Alles im Fluss?! 2018-2020 25/02/21
251 Plastik-Diät 2017-2019 25/02/21
252 Management of wetlands along the Gulf of Finland migratory flyway 2003-2007 22/07/05
253 MeerSehen 2014-2015 17/01/17
254 Lake Pape - conservation, preservation and evolution 2003-2006 16/05/08
255 EMAS for tourism in internal and coastal area: integrated management 2004-2007 19/05/08
256 Kampagne K 2008-2009 05/03/09
257 Carrying Capacity of Surf Schools in North Cornwall 2005-2006 17/08/06
258 The impact of Oder river waters on the ecosystem of Pomeranian Bay 1996-1998 09/02/06
259 Lessons learned from delta-management 1998-2002 20/02/06
260 EuroMarine 2011-2013 20/07/11
261 Biological invasions between cultural traditions and threats to biodiversity, to be indicated by Rosa rugosa 2008-2011 14/05/08
262 GIS-Küste M-V - GIS-Coast Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany 2000-2002 19/09/05
263 Coastal woodlands - ICZM in Woodlands by the Baltic Sea 2002-2006 04/01/07
264 Restoration of habitats of endangered species in Silma Nature Reserve 2002-2006 18/08/06
265 Sensitivity Mapping of the German Baltic Coast 2001-2003 12/09/05
266 Integrated Cooperation on Sustainable Tourism Development and Recreational Use in the Wadden Sea Area 1996-2000 18/08/06
267 Meer im Fokus - Ein Bildungsprojekt rund um Meer & Küste 2010-2012 10/05/11
268 Biodegradable Materials for Sustainable agriculture and tourism 2004-2007 20/05/08
269 DAAD-N2O: Biogeochemistry of nitrous oxide production in hypoxic marine ecosystems 2016-2016 13/02/17
270 Zukunft Küste – Coastal Futures 2004-2010 02/03/10
271 Promoting Sustainable Tourism in Multi-dimensional Protected Areas 2004-2007 18/08/06
272 Development and implementation of integrated water resources management policy to a river basin, through the application of a social wide local agreement, based on the principles of Agenda 2004-2007 10/08/05
273 Joint Polish-German Pomeranian Bay Project 1996-1997 09/02/06
274 Wadden Sea Region Planning Portal 2010-2013 18/03/13
275 Verbundvorhaben - Schatz an der Küste - Nachhaltige Entwicklung zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt in der Region Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft und Rostocker Heide 2014-2020 03/12/14
276 South Baltic WebLab 06/10/10
277 Spiel mal Meer! 2016-2017 06/12/16
278 Ostseekiste 2014-2016 22/12/16
279 HYDRALAB+ 2015-2019 10/02/17
280 Phytal matter sediment enrichment vs. dynamics meiobenthic communities in a eutrophic coastal Baltic Lagoons 1997-1997 14/11/06
281 NeWater-New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty 2005-2009 21/07/09
282 Planning of Coastal Areas at the Gulf of Finland 1996-1999 22/07/05
283 Management of urbanization processes of coastal areas. From the regional urban plan to bottom-up participation 2004-2007 18/08/06
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