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WUD: Waterfront Urban Development - A Network of Cities in the Baltic Sea Region

Type of Entry: Project
Website: http://www.waterfront-urban-development.org/
Duration: 06/1998 - 06/2001

Waterfront Urban Development's objective was to find solutions for downtown and dock areas in ports and small towns situated on the waterways in their hinterlands. The project aimed to create a network for exchange of experience from various projects in the 15 participating cities. 

Contact: Claus Dyckhoff
Common Regional Planning Authority Berlin-Brandenburg / Gemeinsame Landesplanungsabteilung Berlin/Brandenburg
Berliner Str. 135
D – 14467 Potsdam
Telephone: +49 331 866 76 20
Fax: +49 331 866 76 28
E-Mail: birgit.abraham@munr-gl.brandenburg.de
Partner: City of Lübeck, Germany (http://www.luebeck.de/)
City of Potsdam, Germany (http://www.potsdam.de/)
City of Rostock, Germany (http://www.rostock.de)
City of Werder (Havel), Germany (http://www.werder-havel.com/)
Senat of Berlin: Adm. for Construction, Housing and Traffic - Rummelsburger Bucht, Germany
Senat of Berlin: Adm. for Urban Planning and Environment - SenSUT, Germany
Senat of Berlin: Adm. for Construction and Housing - Oberschöneweide, Germany
Köge Kommune, Denmark (http://www.koegekom.dk/)
City of Göteborg, Sweden (http://www.goteborg.se/)
City of Vaasa, Finland (http://www.vaasa.fi/)
City of Gdansk, Poland (http://www.gdansk.pl/)
City of Gdynia, Poland (http://www.gdynia.pl/)
City of Elblag, Poland
City of Tczew, Poland (http://www.tczew.pl/)
City of Szczecin, Poland (http://www.szczecin.pl/)
City of Tallinn, Estonia
Riga Region, Latvia
Klaipeda Municipality, Lithuania
City of St. Petersburg, Leontlef Centre, Russia (http://www.leontief.ru/)
City of Kaliningrad, Russia (http://www.klgd.ru/)
City of Baltijsk, Russia
Budget: 1.173.933
Financed by: European Union (http://europa.eu.int/)