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ICZM Projects and Case Studies

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Nr. Acronym  Title  Duration  Last Update 
1 ICZM-Oder Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Oder Estuary Region 2004-2010 01/06/10
2 AQUAREG AQUAREG 2003-2006 08/17/06
3 DemoWad Demonstration of the Preparation an Implementation of an Extensive Integrated Monitoring Program with the Wadden Sea Ecosystem as a Model 1995-1998 11/01/05
4 LIFE Development and initiation of measures aimed at reducing private cars in a touristic area 1996-1999 05/15/08
5 Possibilities for the Integration of Land Use, Nature and Coastal Protection in Baltic Sea Areas Prone to Flooding 1997-2002 07/20/05
6 SuPortNet II Sustainable Networks of Ports 2002-2005 07/19/05
7 SuPortNet Sustainable Spatial Development within a Network of Ports for Boat Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region 1999-2001 07/20/05
8 STRING Southwestern Baltic Sea Transregional Area – Inventing new Geography -2002 07/20/05
9 STRING II Southwestern Baltic Sea TransRegional Area - Implementing New Geography 2002-2004 10/12/05
10 SEAREG Sea Level Rise Affecting the Spatial Development of the Baltic Sea Region 2002-2005 07/20/05
11 K.E.R.N. Integrated Coastal Management Project K.E.R.N. Region 1995-2006 07/20/05
12 KRIM Climate Change and Preventive Risk and Coastal Protection Management on the German North Sea Coast 08/17/06
13 MINOS Marine warm-blooded animals in the North and Baltic Seas: Foundations for assessment of offshore wind farms 2002-2004 07/20/05
14 BERNET Baltic Eutrophication Regional NETwork 1999-2001 07/21/05
15 BERNET CATCH Integrated Management of Catchments 2003-2005 07/21/05
16 BEST B7 Best Exchange on Sustainable Tourism 1997-2000 08/18/06
17 BIOHAB Biological control of harmful algal blooms in European coastal waters: Role of eutrophication 2000-2000 07/21/05
18 COMRISK Common strategies to reduce the risk of storm floods in coastal lowlands 2002-2005 11/24/06
19 Reduction of environmental effects caused by mariculture 2003-2005 08/17/06
20 LIFE Boreal Baltic Coastal Meadow Preservation in Estonia 2001-2004 11/13/06
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