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Nr. Acronym Sorted ascending Title Sorted ascending Duration  Last Update 
201 INTEREG EfficienSea 08/01/11
202 MARLISCO MARine Litter in Europe Seas: Social AwarenesS and CO-Responsibility 2012-2015 08/13/12
203 Baltic Landscape Baltic Landscape in change - innovative approaches towards sustainable forested landscapes 2011-2014 02/09/12
204 Baltic Deal 2010-2013 01/20/12
205 AQUABEST Innovative practices and technologies for developing sustainable aquaculture in the Baltic Sea region 2011-2013 08/05/11
206 FloodSite Integrated Flood Risk Analysis 08/02/11
207 PEA public energy alternatives 2009-2012 08/02/11
208 EcoRegion The EcoRegion project 2008-2012 08/02/11
209 CleanShip Clean baltic sea shipping 2010-2013 08/02/11
210 BALTRAD BALTRAD 2008-2012 08/02/11
211 co2olBricks 2010-2013 08/02/11
212 SMOCS sustainable management of contaminated sediments 2009-2012 08/01/11
213 baltfood The Baltic Sea Region Food Cluster 08/01/11
214 ECOSUPPORT ECOSUPPORT - Advanced modeling tool for scenarios of the Baltic Sea ecosystem to support decision making 2009-2011 06/22/11
215 COAST Collaborative Actions for Sustainable Tourism (COAST) Project 2008-2013 08/01/11
216 LIFE-BaltCoast LIFE-BaltCoast 2005-2011 07/28/11
217 Baltic Climate Baltic Climate 2008-2012 07/27/11
218 Generation BALT Generation BALT - Linking maritime education with the changing job market for a new generation of Baltic Sea experts 2011-2014 07/26/12
219 AQUAFIMA AQUAFIMA - Integrating Aquaculture and Fisheries Management towards a sustainable regional development in the Baltic Sea Region 2011-2014 07/23/13
220 EuroMarine 2011-2013 07/20/11
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