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ICZM Projects and Case Studies

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Nr.Sorted ascending Acronym Sorted ascending Title  Duration  Last Update 
101 CoPraNet Integrated Management PLAN of Calvià (PILC) 2000-2004 16/11/06
102 CoPraNet ESPINHO - 100 years of Beach Protection 23/11/06
103 CoPraNet Coastal Geomorphology and coastal change in Dundrum Bay: management implications 03/04/07
104 CoPraNet Waste and litter management on natural coastal zones: a French initiative to tackle with the issue 14/03/07
105 CoPraNet Public Participation in the Portuguese Coastal Zone 15/03/07
106 CoPraNet Proposed Measures for Enhancement of Amenity Beaches 03/04/07
107 CoPraNet Climate Change and the Role of Local Authorities and NGOs in Planning Sustainable Coastal Tourist Development in the Mediterranean Region 15/03/07
108 Corepoint Coastal Research Policy Integration 2004-2008 19/05/08
109 COSA Coastal Sands as Biocatalytical Filters 15/05/08
110 COSYNA Coastal Observation System for Northern and Arctic Seas 02/07/10
111 CPA Climate Proof Areas 2008-2011 20/11/12
112 DachKüNO II Koordination, Integration und Vermittlung von Küstenforschung in der Nordsee und Ostsee 2017-2019 14/02/17
113 DELOS Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures 2001-2004 18/08/06
114 DemoWad Demonstration of the Preparation an Implementation of an Extensive Integrated Monitoring Program with the Wadden Sea Ecosystem as a Model 1995-1998 01/11/05
115 DeMU DeMarine-Umwelt 2008-2011 12/05/09
116 DESIMA Decision Support for Integrated Coastal Zone Management 18/08/06
117 DINAS-COAST Dynamic and interactive assessment of national, regional and global vulnerability of coastal zones to climate change and sea-level rise 2001-2004 03/03/06
118 DISMAR Data Integration System for Marine Pollution and Water Quality 2001- 16/02/06
119 DOMAINE Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in coastal ecosystems: transport, dynamics and environmental impacts 2001-2003 17/02/06
120 DUNC Development of UNESCO Natural and Cultural Assets 2017-2020 16/12/20
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