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Nr. Acronym  Title  Duration  Last Update 
121 EUROSSAM European Salt Marshes Modelling 20/02/06
122 LOICZ Liaison with Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) Programme 1998-2002 04/01/07
123 Lessons learned from delta-management 1998-2002 20/02/06
124 BEEP Biological Effects of Environmental Pollution in marine coastal ecosytems 2001-2004 04/10/06
125 FSII Forum Skagerrak II 2003-2007 18/08/06
126 ROBUST The role of buffering capacities in stabilising coastal lagoon ecosystems 1996-1999 21/02/06
127 CHARM Characterisation of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem: Dynamics and Function of coastal types 2002-2004 21/02/06
128 HELCOM-BSPA the Joint HELCOM/OSPAR Work Programme on Marine Protected areas 2004-2005 27/02/06
129 JCP HELCOM The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme 1992-2012 27/02/06
130 MATROS Maritime Transport in the Baltic Sea 1999-2001 27/02/06
131 NORCOAST Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Planning 1998-2000 18/08/06
132 South Baltic Arc Spatial strategies for Integration and Sustainable Development Acceleration of the South Baltic Arc Zone 2002-2005 22/05/08
133 HQT 2 Sustainable Regional Development - High Quality Tourism 2 2002-2005 18/08/06
134 SISCAL Satellite-based information System on Coastal areas and lakes 2001-2004 22/02/06
135 ODER Delta The Oder Delta "European Landscape of the Year 1993/94"
A cross-border project for ecological regional development
1993-1994 27/02/06
136 EUROSION EUROSION 2002-2004 29/08/06
137 DESIMA Decision Support for Integrated Coastal Zone Management 18/08/06
138 COASTMON MetOcean and Coastal Zone Monitoring in Harbour Regions Using Satellite Radar 1994-1998 28/02/06
139 COAST 3D Coastal Study Of Three - Dimensional Sand Transport Processes and Morphodynamics 1997-2001 17/08/06
140 RIBAMOD River basin modelling, management and flood mitigation 23/02/06
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