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ICZM Projects and Case Studies

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Nr. Acronym  Title  Duration  Last Update 
321 OILECO Integrating ecological values in the decision making process on oil 2005-2007 29/06/07
322 GOAP Greifswalder Bodden and Oder estuary - exchange processes 1993-1997 09/11/07
323 Aquamoney Development and Testing of Practical Guidelines for the Assessment of Environmental and Resource Costs and Benefits in the WFD 2006-2009 06/08/07
324 OderRegio OderRegio 1999-2006 06/11/07
325 CONSCIENCE Concept and Science for Coastal Erosion Management 2007- 08/02/08
326 SPICOSA Science and Policy Integration For Coastal System Assessment 2007-2011 01/02/08
327 Biological invasions between cultural traditions and threats to biodiversity, to be indicated by Rosa rugosa 2008-2011 14/05/08
328 IMCORE Innovatitve Management for Europe's Changing Coastal Resource 2008-2011 22/05/08
329 Mustok Modellgestützte Untersuchungen zu extremen Sturmflutereignissen an der deutschen Ostseeküste 2005-2008 19/06/08
330 GENESIS GENeric European Sustainable Information Space for Environment 2008-2011 17/09/08
331 BaltCICA Climate Change: Impacts, Costs and Adaption in the Baltic Sea Region 2009-2012 06/03/12
332 Kampagne K 2008-2009 05/03/09
333 Baltic Green Belt Baltic Green Belt 2009-2012 01/10/09
334 DeMU DeMarine-Umwelt 2008-2011 12/05/09
335 NeWater-New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty 2005-2009 21/07/09
336 BALTSEAPLAN Introducing Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea 2008-2012 21/07/09
337 OURCOAST ICZM in Europe 2009-2011 05/11/09
338 MyOcean MyOcean 2009-2012 16/09/09
339 RADOST Regionale Anpassungsstragtegie für die deutsche Ostseeküste 2009-2014 28/04/11
340 RECOCA Reduction of Baltic Sea Nutrient Inputs and Cost Allocation within the Baltic Sea Catchment 2009-2011 04/08/09
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