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ICZM Projects and Case Studies

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Nr.Sorted descending Acronym Sorted descending Title  Duration  Last Update 
141 EUROCAT European Catchments - Catchment changes and their impact on the coasts 2001-2004 09/06/05
142 EU demo on ICZM Towards a European Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Strategy: General Principles and Policy Options 1997-1999 10/27/06
143 ETN-R Program for European Terrestrial Network for River Discharge 2006-2008 02/15/06
144 ESaTDOR European Seas and Territorial Development, Opportunities and Risks 2010-2013 04/05/11
145 EROCIPS Emergency response to coastal Oil, Chemical and Inert Pollution from Shipping 2004- 09/13/06
146 ENPLAN Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes 2002-2004 09/18/06
147 ENCORA European Platform for Coastal Research 2006-2009 01/23/08
148 EMBARC European Maritime Study for Baseline and Advanced Regional and Coastal Traffic Management 2001-2005 09/19/05
149 EFFS The European Flood Forecasting System project 2002- 02/15/06
150 ECOSUPPORT ECOSUPPORT - Advanced modeling tool for scenarios of the Baltic Sea ecosystem to support decision making 2009-2011 06/22/11
151 EcoRegion The EcoRegion project 2008-2012 08/02/11
152 ECOPREST Impact assessment of the Prestige oil spill on continental shelf ecosystems and its fishing resources. 2003-2006 09/13/06
153 ECOOP ECOOP - European Coastal Sea Operational Observing and Forecasting System 2007-2010 06/22/11
154 ECOFLOOD Towards natural flood reduction strategies 2003-2005 02/16/06
155 ECODYN ECODYN - Influence of ecological dynamics and climate change on the marine environment in Danish waters 2008-2011 06/22/11
156 DUNES Integrated management methods: Monitoring environmental change in coastal dune ecosystems 1996-1999 08/18/06
157 DOMAINE Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in coastal ecosystems: transport, dynamics and environmental impacts 2001-2003 02/17/06
158 DISMAR Data Integration System for Marine Pollution and Water Quality 2001- 02/16/06
159 DINAS-COAST Dynamic and interactive assessment of national, regional and global vulnerability of coastal zones to climate change and sea-level rise 2001-2004 03/03/06
160 DESIMA Decision Support for Integrated Coastal Zone Management 08/18/06
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