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ICZM Projects and Case Studies

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Nr. Acronym Sorted descending Title Sorted descending Duration  Last Update 
201 Development and implementation of integrated water resources management policy to a river basin, through the application of a social wide local agreement, based on the principles of Agenda 2004-2007 08/10/05
202 LIFE Species and habitats conservation in Portuguese Western Coast 2004-2008 05/15/08
203 LIFE Conservation of the Aquatic Warbler in Brittany 2004-2009 05/15/08
204 PROCOAST Harminzation of uses and interests in the Baltic Sea coastal zones 1999-2001 09/20/05
205 LIFE Boreal Baltic Coastal Meadow Preservation in Estonia 2001-2004 11/13/06
206 Planning of Coastal Areas at the Gulf of Finland 1996-1999 07/22/05
207 Lake Pape - conservation, preservation and evolution 2003-2006 05/16/08
208 Sustainable development of Europe's coastal areas and the creation of a regional cycle that incorporates environmental protection 2001-2003 07/22/05
209 Management of wetlands along the Gulf of Finland migratory flyway 2003-2007 07/22/05
210 Livonian Green Coastal Region - 21 2001-2003 05/22/08
211 Coastal conservation and local agenda 21, a pilot project for Russia 1997-1999 07/22/05
212 ASTRA Developing Policies & Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region 2005-2007 03/26/09
213 TRUMP Transport and Turnover in the Pomeranian Bay 1994-1996 02/09/06
214 HIPOCAS Hindcast of dynamic processes of the ocean and coastal areas of Europe 2000-2003 03/03/06
215 South Baltic Arc Spatial strategies for Integration and Sustainable Development Acceleration of the South Baltic Arc Zone 2002-2005 05/22/08
216 DUNES Integrated management methods: Monitoring environmental change in coastal dune ecosystems 1996-1999 08/18/06
217 ISLED Impact of Sea Level on Ecosystem Dynamics of salt marshes. 1998-2001 02/17/06
218 EUROTROPH Nutrients Cycling and the Trophic Status of Coastal Ecosystems 2001-2004 05/20/08
219 EUROSSAM European Salt Marshes Modelling 02/20/06
220 LOICZ Liaison with Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) Programme 1998-2002 01/04/07
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