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Nr. Acronym  Title  Duration  Last Update 
101 DISMAR Data Integration System for Marine Pollution and Water Quality 2001- 02/16/06
102 COASTVIEW Developing coastal video monitoring systems in support of coastal zone management 2002-2005 05/16/08
103 SIGNAL Significance of external / anthropogenic Nitrogen for central Baltic Sea N-CYCLING 2000-2003 02/17/06
104 DELOS Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures 2001-2004 08/18/06
105 MOLTEN Monitoring long-term trends in eutrophication and nutrients in the coastal zone: Creation of guidelines for the evaluation of background conditions, anthropogenic influence and recovery 2001-2003 05/20/08
106 DOMAINE Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in coastal ecosystems: transport, dynamics and environmental impacts 2001-2003 02/17/06
107 BIOCOMBE The impact of BIOdiversity changes in COastal Marine Benthic Ecosystems 2002-2006 05/26/08
108 PROTECT Prediction of The Erosion of Cliffed Terrains 2001-2004 08/17/06
109 COSA Coastal Sands as Biocatalytical Filters 05/15/08
110 DUNES Integrated management methods: Monitoring environmental change in coastal dune ecosystems 1996-1999 08/18/06
111 ISLED Impact of Sea Level on Ecosystem Dynamics of salt marshes. 1998-2001 02/17/06
112 EUROTROPH Nutrients Cycling and the Trophic Status of Coastal Ecosystems 2001-2004 05/20/08
113 EUROSSAM European Salt Marshes Modelling 02/20/06
114 LOICZ Liaison with Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ) Programme 1998-2002 01/04/07
115 Lessons learned from delta-management 1998-2002 02/20/06
116 BEEP Biological Effects of Environmental Pollution in marine coastal ecosytems 2001-2004 10/04/06
117 FSII Forum Skagerrak II 2003-2007 08/18/06
118 ROBUST The role of buffering capacities in stabilising coastal lagoon ecosystems 1996-1999 02/21/06
119 CHARM Characterisation of the Baltic Sea Ecosystem: Dynamics and Function of coastal types 2002-2004 02/21/06
120 HELCOM-BSPA the Joint HELCOM/OSPAR Work Programme on Marine Protected areas 2004-2005 02/27/06
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