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ICZM Projects and Case Studies

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161 ODER98 Hydrodynamics and transports in tideless coastal waters 1998-1998 20.05.2008
162 OderRegio OderRegio 1999-2006 06.11.2007
163 OILECO Integrating ecological values in the decision making process on oil 2005-2007 29.06.2007
164 OPCOM Operational Modelling for Coastal Zone Management 1997-2000 03.03.2006
165 OROMA Operational radar and optical mapping in monitoring hydrodynamic, morphodynamic and environmental parameter for coastal management 2002-2005 18.08.2006
166 OSTSEELAND "Tourismus Kooperation Vorpommern" 18.08.2006
167 PADO Prozesse und Auswirkungen von Dünendurchbrüchen an der deutschen Ostseeküste 2016-2019 10.02.2017
168 PARQMAR Characterization, planning and management of diverse marine protected areas in the Macaronesian archipelagos. 2004-2006 15.05.2006
169 PEA public energy alternatives 2009-2012 02.08.2011
170 PIONEER Preparation and Integration of Analysis Tools towards Operational Forecast of Nutrients in Estuaries of European Rivers 14.02.2006
171 PlanCoast PlanCoast 2006-2008 17.10.2006
172 PRESTEPSE Integrated assessment of the impact of the Prestige's oil spill in Galicia and in the Gulf of Biscay: toxicological, ecological, productive and socio-economical aspects 2003-2008 20.09.2006
173 PROCOAST Harminzation of uses and interests in the Baltic Sea coastal zones 1999-2001 20.09.2005
174 PROTECT Prediction of The Erosion of Cliffed Terrains 2001-2004 17.08.2006
175 PUDEM Morphodynamics of urban beaches: an integrated theoretical and experimental study 2004-2007 12.09.2006
176 RADO RADO - Ran an die Ostsee: Workshop-Serie zur Erschließung von Open Data / Open Science für Wissenschaftsjournalisten 2017-2017 13.02.2017
177 RADOST Regionale Anpassungsstragtegie für die deutsche Ostseeküste 2009-2014 28.04.2011
178 RCZAS English Heritage Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Surveys 2000-2010 22.09.2005
179 RECOCA Reduction of Baltic Sea Nutrient Inputs and Cost Allocation within the Baltic Sea Catchment 2009-2011 04.08.2009
180 RELEEZE RELease from coastal squEEZE 2017-2018 04.07.2017
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