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ICZM Projects and Case Studies

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Nr. Acronym  Title  Duration  Last Update 
141 HIPOCAS Hindcast of dynamic processes of the ocean and coastal areas of Europe 2000-2003 03/03/06
142 SABATIER FRANÇOIS Long-term coastal changes modelling for a sustainable development of the Rhône delta 2003-2005 05/19/08
143 PARQMAR Characterization, planning and management of diverse marine protected areas in the Macaronesian archipelagos. 2004-2006 05/15/06
144 SafeCoast SafeCoast: Future Flood Risk Management 2005-2008 06/07/06
145 CCV Canarias, por una Costa Viva (Canaries, for a lively coast) 2002-2004 07/07/06
146 PlanCoast PlanCoast 2006-2008 10/17/06
147 MESSINA Managing European Shoreline and Sharing Information on Near-shore Areas 2004-2006 09/07/06
148 MERSEA Marine Environment and Security for the European Area 2004-2008 09/12/06
149 PUDEM Morphodynamics of urban beaches: an integrated theoretical and experimental study 2004-2007 09/12/06
150 ECOPREST Impact assessment of the Prestige oil spill on continental shelf ecosystems and its fishing resources. 2003-2006 09/13/06
151 AMPERA ERA-NET to foster prevention and best response to Accidental Marine Pollution 2005- 09/14/06
152 PRESTEPSE Integrated assessment of the impact of the Prestige's oil spill in Galicia and in the Gulf of Biscay: toxicological, ecological, productive and socio-economical aspects 2003-2008 09/20/06
153 EROCIPS Emergency response to coastal Oil, Chemical and Inert Pollution from Shipping 2004- 09/13/06
154 Management Plan for coastal habitats of the Province of Cádiz (Spain) 2005- 09/20/06
155 ENPLAN Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes 2002-2004 09/18/06
156 BEACHMED Environmental reconstruction and maintenance of beaches under erosion by using sand marine carriers 2002-2004 09/20/06
157 COASTATLANTIC Integrated Coastal Zone Management: towards an Atlantic Vision 2003-2006 09/21/06
158 SYMPIC Environmental Integration of Ports and Cities 2004-2007 09/27/06
159 EU demo on ICZM Towards a European Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Strategy: General Principles and Policy Options 1997-1999 10/27/06
160 MOTIIVE Marine Overlays on Topography for Annex II Valuation and Exploitation 2005-2007 01/09/07
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