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Nr. Acronym  Title Sorted descending Duration Sorted descending Last Update 
241 LIFE Development and initiation of measures aimed at reducing private cars in a touristic area 1996-1999 15/05/08
242 ROBUST The role of buffering capacities in stabilising coastal lagoon ecosystems 1996-1999 21/02/06
243 DUNES Integrated management methods: Monitoring environmental change in coastal dune ecosystems 1996-1999 18/08/06
244 The impact of Oder river waters on the ecosystem of Pomeranian Bay 1996-1998 09/02/06
245 Joint Polish-German Pomeranian Bay Project 1996-1997 09/02/06
246 TRUMP Temporal variability in the chemical composition of bottom sediments in the Pomeranian Bay (southern Baltic) 1996-1997 13/11/06
247 K.E.R.N. Integrated Coastal Management Project K.E.R.N. Region 1995-2006 20/07/05
248 DemoWad Demonstration of the Preparation an Implementation of an Extensive Integrated Monitoring Program with the Wadden Sea Ecosystem as a Model 1995-1998 01/11/05
249 COASTMON MetOcean and Coastal Zone Monitoring in Harbour Regions Using Satellite Radar 1994-1998 28/02/06
250 TRUMP Transport and Turnover in the Pomeranian Bay 1994-1996 09/02/06
251 TRUMP The impact of the River Odra on the phytoplankton composition and biomass in the Pomeranian Bay 1993-1997 14/11/06
252 GOAP Greifswalder Bodden and Oder estuary - exchange processes 1993-1997 09/11/07
253 TRUMP Transport of the Odra river waters and circulation patterns in the Pomeranian Bay 1993-1997 13/11/06
254 TRUMP Dynamic of river plumes in the Pomeranian Bight 1993-1996 13/11/06
255 ODER Delta The Oder Delta "European Landscape of the Year 1993/94"
A cross-border project for ecological regional development
1993-1994 27/02/06
256 JCP HELCOM The Baltic Sea Joint Comprehensive Environmental Action Programme 1992-2012 27/02/06
257 Nutrient status in the Szczecin Lagoon - past, present, as well as future prospects 1990-1998 14/11/06
258 MERMAID Marine Environmental Remote-controlled Measuring and Integrated Detection 1990-1996 20/05/08
259 STRING Southwestern Baltic Sea Transregional Area – Inventing new Geography -2002 20/07/05
260 RIBAMOD River basin modelling, management and flood mitigation 23/02/06
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